Sunday, December 26, 2010

biggie smalls

well it seems time does indeed fly.  here we are about to jump into january '11 and my mind keeps wandering to what i'll want to do with baby H's big boy room [SPOILER ALERT: not announcing anything here! sorry folks.  we're just enjoying the one!]  i merely mean the wee man isn't so wee anymore and it will be fun to re-decorate a room for him that suits a little boy vs. a teeny tiny beebee.  plus, we didn't find out H's gender before his arrival so it would be my first time decorating specifically for him.

on that are my initial thoughts!

+ eclectic will be a key word [again, and yet even more this time].  a fun mix of things that don't look like a pre-packaged set.

+ a bit of a traveled look would be a plus.  like, this little boy has been places.  like, this little boy must have dual citizenship to a foreign country.  oh yeah.  HE DOES.  could totally tell from his room.

+ a bolder dose of pattern and/or artwork.  something large scale.

here are some images for you.  shaken, not stirred.

via ACL

via etsy

i definitely wouldn't be buying all new gear.  let's get that straight, right from the get-go.  those of the perceptive eye would note that the antlers + ikea canvases are already owned.  as are the chartreuse ikea pillows which i think would be sharp with hits of red, grey + tiny touches of blue in the room as well. the dangerous book for boys was an amazingly spot-on christmas gift to our little tyke, and we were also gifted a much-loved-upon vintage bowling pin.  ours has hot pink details, but i think H is oozing enough manliness to make even a dash of hot pink in his room seem ever so cool.

as for other elements in his current nursery, many would be easy enough to switch over to a whole new scheme.  the vintage pendant light?  paint it!  the letters?  spray 'em, baby!  the curtains?  re-trim in a new color!  why not!

so now you know what decorating dallying my brain's been doing....anything to distract me from that pesky master boudoir that i can't seem to finish.  oh + speaking of master....we would never forget the master rhino himself who would be a perfect fit for our all-grown-up-little-boy room.

you like?

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